Metabolism Testing: What it Entails and How You Should Prepare

by | Jul 9, 2018

What is metabolic testing ?


The million dollar question on everyone’s mind, “what is metabolic testing ?” Many people have heard the term but have no clue what to expect when they come in to have their metabolism tested. The goal of this blog is to clarify this information and tell you exactly how to prepare for the testing to ensure the best results.


Trust me – there is absolutely nothing remotely scary about having your metabolism tested. Think about it like a walk in the park compared to things like a oral glucose challenge or the fun 18 viles of blood you had pulled for your PCOS panel. In fact – I can almost guarantee you will be skipping out of my office with the new information in hand like a kid on Christmas day. 


First things first, metabolism testing does not hurt. I promise! We don’t draw blood. Also there is NO physical exertion involved.  In the past, I have had patients show up in their workout gear thinking they were going to participate in something that might resemble a stress test. This is certainly not the case. So no worries you can leave your running shoes at home!  


The device we use to measure your metabolism is called the Bodygem. This device measures your metabolism by capturing the air you breath. 


Sounds pretty easy?  Well it is.


Three things to do to prepare for the metabolism test:


Come fasted with no caffeine in your system for 4 hours prior to your test. You can drink plenty of water though!

Please don’t exercise within 4 hours of the test. 

Arrive not having smoked a cigarette within 4 hours of the test.


Caffeine, exercise, and nicotine all can slightly increase your metabolic rate. Therefore, we do our best to minimize these variables so we can deliver you the most accurate results.

Curious about what other factors might influence your metabolism? Check out last week’s informative blog RMR Testing 101” on this exact topic. 


The actual test


Once you arrive we will get you all set up! You will sit peacefully in a chair with a small mouth tube in your mouth and a cute little nose clip on. The goal of the nose clip is to create a vacuum seal so no air escapes.

I promise, I will not post any Facebook pictures with your sexy nose clip on:)

By measuring both the amount of oxygen you exhale and the amount of carbon dioxide you expire we are able to calculate your metabolism. It’s that simple. This method is called indirect calorimetry and is one of the most accurate ways to measure metabolism. The test itself takes about 10 minutes.

Like I mentioned, the test does not hurt. However, some people find it uncomfortable as you need to breathe through your mouth for the duration of the test. However, I am pretty sure you have been through worse. 


what is metabolic testing


Once  the test is complete we need to talk goals. Generally speaking most patients with PCOS only have one goal – to lose weight.  Therefore, the next step will be to weigh you and test your body fat. That way we have a starting point for you to gauge your progress.


Next, we will gather your demographics. Factors such as your age, sex, occupation, type and frequency of exercise, and even your sleep patterns are all important variables in determining an appropriate calorie level for your goals. All this information is then entered into a software program which then generates several important numbers.




what is metabolic testing

          The Bodygem tells us the following:


Exactly how many calories you need to take in on the days you workout 

Exactly how many calories you need to take in on your non-training (rest) days.

How you compare to other individuals with the same demographics

Your BMI


Once we have this important information I can then specifically tell you where your calories need to be to accomplish your weight loss goals. I can also make suggestions on your macros if that is something you are interested in. If you need help setting up these numbers in a tracking program like MyfitnessPal I am happy to help guide you as well.


If you need additional services like a customized meal planner with specific meal suggestions or guidance on how to incorporate carbohydrate cycling or intermittent fasting these can all be provided at an additional fee.


The entire metabolic test plus the consult should take no longer than 45 minutes. You will leave with a personalized print out with your results and a solid knowledge of what is metabolic testing really entails. No guesswork involved!


what is metabolic testing

On next week’s blog we will dive deeper into the results. We will interpret the results of three actual Bodygem results and discuss how to apply the information. So now when someone asks you the question, ” what is metabolic testing ” you will be able to give them a A+ answer 🙂 


P.S. The icing on the cake is if you purchase the metabolism test during the month of July you will be entitled to a 40 % discount for my birthday. Just use coupon code thisis40 when you schedule your metabolism test on to receive the discount. However, act fast as this discount will only be around until July 31, 2018.


Have questions on metabolic testing? Please don’t be shy! Ask in the comments section below.